Friday, 1 January 2016

Reflections of a Momma

Well, I guess the only logical place to start is by saying Happy New Year!! It's 2016! How the heck did that happen so fast? I swear it was just Halloween???? Now I get how fast time goes with a new babe in the house.

I have been very focused on taking in all of her.  Her sounds.  Her cries.  Her growth.  Her cuteness and sweetness.  I didn't want too many distractions, and I have allowed my blogging to go.  So we are back.

Today's thoughts:
New Years Eve will never be the same LOL.  And I am just fine with that.  Instead of getting my glam dress on and shoes to hit the town, I got my baggy pants on and a t shirt that had to be changed 30 minutes after putting it on due to the predictable baby puke ending up on my shoulder because I left the burp clothe on the bed.  MY BAD!!! And you know what? I wouldn't change it for anything.

It is a privilege to be able to watch this little mini me sleep through fire works, the neighbours hollering over loud music, the sirens whizzing by.  I get to watch the night unfold from a far, from the balcony, with big clear windows and my glass of milk snuggled in.

There is more to come, but for tonight's #newyearsresolution, I choose to commit to more frequent blog posts, even if they are just one sentence long to reflect the day, the events, the feelings, and the momma-hood.

Happy 2016 To All, and To All a Good Night.

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