Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Your past is not your future.

Yes, Life gets busy.
Yes, life gets hard.
Yes, life gets distracting.
Yes, life can be chaotic.
Yes, life can be happy.
Yes, life can be amazing.
And yes, life can be exactly what you want it to be.

We are not our past.  Yes, the past happened.  It had to in order to get us to where we are, we need to be, and where we are meant to be going.  Our past life should not define us.  Our past life should not dictate how the rest of our life will be.  Some things are meant to be remembered so we remember how we don't want to feel, how we don't want to be treated, how we don't want to treat others.  Our past life can also make us smile, reminisce, and feel joy.  Your past is not your future.

Be kind to yourself
Dream great dreams
Listen to your heart
Celebrate your strengths
Appreciate your talents
Delight in your own uniqueness
Find time for joy
Give of yourself
Lean into the hard work
Seize new opportunities
Find wonder

Friday, 10 June 2016

My 3 P's. . . . . .

A busy month leads up to an amazing end!!! This is the ending to my Busy and Crazy month.
This is the first festival I have ever performed at, and I am also a key note speaker.  What a blessing and I am so thankful for the alignment of friends, stars, faith, trust, and why not. . . a little pixie dust.

Here is a glimpse of what will take place the weekend of June24-26.. .

Accessing Your Goddess-Self: The Power of Thought and Movement

Our thoughts become things. Our things become our reality.  Image or thought is the facilitator of movement.  In this workshop we will learn how to focus one’s mind on solutions instead of analyzing problems through the power of thought and movement.
We as women have a very sacred bond, and a mutual makeup: we are intuitive, sensitive, strong, and powerful beings. Many of us have been taught that some of these gifts are a weakness or excuse. It is time that we work from our hearts, our souls, and get comfortable in our own skin.
Each one of us has our Goddess being and it is individual to us. I will help you find your stretch, your stride, your movement that speaks most to you. Through dance, I have uncovered the ability to share, heal, and create community.  
I invite you to take away from my performance the moments that touch your heart and soul, the moments that may remind you of how special life really is, and the moments that make put a smile on your face. When you are feeling heavy, discouraged, tired, tap into this Goddess energy with your movement, your song, or your special goddess word and bring it back to you!!
My goal: Renewing your sense of YOU – renewing your sense of self!!

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Running on Distraction…..

First I would like to say I have no idea how 2.5 months passes without writing here. . . That is just crazy talk.  So I will play catch up now.

I have taken a lesson from my heart and soul which has told me to slow down and take in these precious moments that clearly will not last forever.  My baby girl has clearly taught me quickly that there are more important things in life. have taken many a stroll down the seawall/seawalk in front of our place.  We have stopped to smell the ocean breeze and the salt air.  We have grabbed hotdogs, coffees, a patio beer, and sat on the blanket just to watch her play and smile at the life we have created. And the family we now are keeps us smiling from ear to ear.

Our baby's first smile in real time rather than Facebook time, instagram time, or twitter is so much important than capturing it through a screen and posting it.  You will see pictures of baby girl, but please note, they are usually taken after we watched her do something awesome for the first time, then we caught the excitement afterwards, or something completely different and we keep all the firsts here with us.  

So. . . . today's post is just a reminder that living in the moment and being present is what is important. Hug your babes, your partners, and you friends.  You can't get time back.  XOXO

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Yummie Mummies, Back at it!!

This is what is new and exciting these days!!! 

Creating my own classes.  New classes.  New momma opportunities for me and my beautiful babe but for other mommas and their babes to join us in.  

It is pretty amazing how much healing a new momma's body needs after growing that baby inside, after delivering that baby, and then into nurturing the baby, feeding the baby, rocking the baby, and the list goes on.  It is so important to heal from within, to strengthen from within and to love our bodies from within.  

This class is geared precisely to those layers and much more.  Working on strengthening the pelvic floor that is one of the most important parts to a woman's body.  NO JOKE!!! This layer keeps one from peeing their pants, yup, you heard that correctly, it keeps our organs safe and inside our bodies, yup, that's a true story too, it helps support us on a soul level but also on a sexual level.  So when it is not feeling 100%, all of those SUPER important every day life things are not feeling 100%.  No wonder we might suffer from postpartum depression and other mental, emotional, physical and spiritual blocks.  

Beautiful mommas, please come join us, no matter what your fitness level is and bring your babes with you so they can feel the love and meet new baby friends while you meet new momma friends and share, love, stretch, strengthen, tone, dance, massage and love ourselves and our babies!!!!

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Living Your Best Life Day 4

Yup, that's right. . . Apparently a baby laughs just about 300 times a day! That's amazing.  And unbelievable that we don't partake in this fun action on a more regular basis.  

Laugh More.  

Find something funny in your life today and laugh at it.  Better yet, find something about yourself yo laugh at.  

Living Your Best Self Day 2 and 3

Well, my apologies for the days getting away from me.  Let's get back on track with 2 days in one!!!!

Today's Reflection:
Relaxation is the process of observing your tension.  

If you can take 10 minutes and just lie down, you will be able to notice where in you your tension lies.  You can feel the tightness almost instantly, being able to breathe through that and focus on your breath will allow this tension o LET GO!!!

And Today's Reflection #2:
We are not seeing a situation as it truly is if we had expectations.  

Notice how we have a tendency to want things to turn out our own way after a conflict arises? Next time ask yourself this: How would this be and what would I say now if I could see what the other person sees?

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Living Your Best Self Day 1

As I reflect on how I want each day to start, I realize I must make the commitment to reserve the space and time to myself for this to happen.  So I reserve at least 15 minutes to reflect.  I want to reserve more, but sometimes My beautiful baby girl needs more of my attention as she needs play time with her momma and not her momma playing on the internet, Facebook, instagram, or googling STUFF.

Today's reflection:
Living well in not about being calm; it is about being present.  

For 5 minutes today, practice just being present with your emotions without reacting to them.  Notice how they come and go.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Reflections of a Momma

Well, I guess the only logical place to start is by saying Happy New Year!! It's 2016! How the heck did that happen so fast? I swear it was just Halloween???? Now I get how fast time goes with a new babe in the house.

I have been very focused on taking in all of her.  Her sounds.  Her cries.  Her growth.  Her cuteness and sweetness.  I didn't want too many distractions, and I have allowed my blogging to go.  So we are back.

Today's thoughts:
New Years Eve will never be the same LOL.  And I am just fine with that.  Instead of getting my glam dress on and shoes to hit the town, I got my baggy pants on and a t shirt that had to be changed 30 minutes after putting it on due to the predictable baby puke ending up on my shoulder because I left the burp clothe on the bed.  MY BAD!!! And you know what? I wouldn't change it for anything.

It is a privilege to be able to watch this little mini me sleep through fire works, the neighbours hollering over loud music, the sirens whizzing by.  I get to watch the night unfold from a far, from the balcony, with big clear windows and my glass of milk snuggled in.

There is more to come, but for tonight's #newyearsresolution, I choose to commit to more frequent blog posts, even if they are just one sentence long to reflect the day, the events, the feelings, and the momma-hood.

Happy 2016 To All, and To All a Good Night.