Monday, 8 June 2015

I'm coming "home". . . . .

When you grow up with views like this, summers with pictures that are taken like this, family with boats like these, friends with boats like these, and sunsets like this it is hard to live someplace that doesn't have the similar views, boats, sunsets and vibe.

I have never lived right at the beach, in front of the beach or on a street with the word Beach as part of the street title until November 2013.

I put it out there to the universe a few years back while in a coaching session that I wanted to have a place where I could work from home, that was on the beach, with a view from my window.  After I got to Africa and back the next vision became true and off I went to Beach Ave! How fitting the street title is Beach Ave!!!! I started doing more from home on my lap top with blogging, writing, social media related things, in the summer I taught Beach Pilates.  Now I a year and half later I am still here, have taught more classes this year from home will pick up with Beach Ave pilates upon my return from visiting my home town on Long Island in New York.  And I get to add having a baby to that.  Also a part of that same goal from a few years back.

So this blog I dedicate to following through on dreams, goals and aspirations.  I dedicate it also to staying true to your roots, your instincts, your inner you.  My inner me always brings me back to the beach.  And the beach is where I grew up.  It is what moulded me from a very young age and where I found my happiness, inspiration, and joy.

Here I come Long Island! Along with my partner and baby to be.  We introduce this little wee one to the place that gives both myself and my partner our zen, grounding, and joy.

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